Ansible Modules

Ansible Modules
Ansible ships with a number of modules (called the 'module library') that can be executed directly on remote hosts or through Playbooks. Users can also write their own modules. These modules can control system resources, like services, packages, or files (anything really), or handle executing system commands.
Types of Modules in Ansible:
Cloud modules
Clustering modules
Commands modules
Crypto modules
Database modules
Files modules
Identity modules
Inventory modules
Messaging modules
Monitoring modules
Net Tools modules
Network modules
Notification modules
Packaging modules
Remote Management modules
Source Control modules
Storage modules
System modules
Utility modules
Web Infrastructure modules
Windows modules
These are 21 modules available in Ansible.
Cloud Modules:
Cloud Support with Ansible. Ansible's library of cloud support modules makes it easy to provision instances, networks, and complete cloud infrastructure wherever you need. ... Ansible ensures your cloud deployments work seamlessly across public, private, or hybrid cloud as easily as you can build a single system.
Cloud Modules of Ansible supports cloud platforms as follows:
1. Alicloud
2. Amazon
3. Atomic
4. Azure
5. Centurylink
6. Cloudscale
7. Cloudstack
8. Digital_Ocean
9. Dimensiondata
10. Docker
11. Google
12. Hcloud
13. Heroku
14. Huawei
15. Kubevirt
16. Linode
17. Lxc
18. Lxd
19. Memset
20. Misc
21. Oneandone
22. Online
23. Opennebula
24. Openstack
25. Oracle
26. Ovh
27. Ovirt
28. Packet
29. Podman
30. Profitbricks
31. Pubnub
32. Rackspace
33. Scaleway
34. Smartos
35. Softlayer
36. Spotnist
37. Univention
38. Vmware
39. Vultr
40. Webfaction
41. Xenserver
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