Auditing Tools for Kubernetes

These tools explain how they can help maintain security and compliance by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities within a Kubernetes environment.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that has revolutionized the way applications are deployed and managed. With Kubernetes, developers can easily deploy and manage containerized applications at scale and in a consistent and predictable manner. However, managing Kubernetes environments can be challenging, and security risks are always a concern. Therefore, it's important to have the right auditing tools in place to ensure that the Kubernetes environment is secure, compliant, and free of vulnerabilities. In this article, we will discuss some of the top auditing tools that can be used to help secure Kubernetes and ensure compliance with best practices.

1. Kubernetes Audit

Kubernetes Audit is a native Kubernetes tool that provides an audit log of all changes made to the Kubernetes API server. In addition, it captures events related to requests made to the Kubernetes API server and the responses generated by the server. This audit information can be used to troubleshoot issues and verify compliance with best practices.

Kubernetes Audit can be enabled by adding a flag to the Kubernetes API server configuration file. Once enabled, Kubernetes Audit can capture a wide range of events, such as the creation and deletion of pods, services, and deployments, and changes to service accounts and role bindings. The audit log can be stored in various locations, including log files on the node, a container, or Syslog.

By using Kubernetes Audit, administrators can quickly determine if there is any unauthorized access or activities within the Kubernetes environment. It also provides an auditable record of all changes made to the environment, making it easier to identify any issues that may arise.

2. Kube-bench

Kube-bench is an open-source tool that is designed to check Kubernetes clusters against the Kubernetes Benchmarks - a collection of security configuration best practices developed by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). Kube-bench can be used to identify any misconfigurations or risks that may exist within the Kubernetes environment and ensure compliance with CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.

Kube-bench checks Kubernetes clusters against the 120 available CIS Kubernetes Benchmark checks and produces a report of non-compliant configurations. It can be run manually on a one-time basis or in a continuous integration pipeline that can help ensure that new applications or changes do not affect the cluster's compliance.

Kube-bench is capable of testing various aspects of Kubernetes security, including API server, etcd, nodes, pods, network policies, and others. Kube-bench provides detailed instructions on how to resolve each failed to check through remediation steps, making it easy for administrators to address any issues found during the audit process.

Overall, kube-bench makes it easier for administrators to achieve a highly secure Kubernetes environment by providing an automated way of checking Kubernetes against the CIS Benchmarks.

3. Kube-hunter

Kube-hunter is another open-source tool designed to identify Kubernetes security vulnerabilities by scanning a Kubernetes cluster for weaknesses. The tool uses a range of techniques to identify potential issues, including port scanning, service discovery, and scanning for known vulnerabilities.

Kube-hunter can be used to perform various security checks on Kubernetes clusters, including checks for RBAC misconfigurations, exposed Kubernetes dashboards, and other security issues that could lead to unauthorized access. The tool is designed to be easy to use and requires no configuration - simply run kube-hunter from the command line and let it do its job.

One unique feature of the kube-hunter is that it can be run as either an offensive or defensive tool. Offensive mode attempts to actively penetrate the Kubernetes cluster to identify vulnerabilities, while defensive mode simulates an attack by scanning for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Both modes are great for identifying security vulnerabilities in a Kubernetes environment and improving overall security posture.

Overall, kube-hunter is a powerful tool for identifying security risks in Kubernetes clusters and can be an essential part of any Kubernetes security strategy. The tool is actively developed by Aqua Security and has a large and active community backing it up.

4. Polaris

Polaris is a free, open-source tool developed by Fairwinds that performs automated configuration validation for Kubernetes clusters. Polaris can be used to assess cluster compliance with Kubernetes configuration management best practices and ensures Kubernetes resources conform to defined policies.

Polaris can detect and alert on various issues that might occur in a Kubernetes cluster, including inappropriate resource requests, non-compliant Pod security policies, misconfigured access control lists, and other common misconfigurations.

One of Polaris' most valuable features is its integration with Prometheus Alert Manager, which automatically scans Kubernetes configurations and generates alerts when any of the predefined policies are violated. The tool can also be used to generate custom policies that meet specific cluster and workload requirements.

Overall, Polaris is an essential tool for Kubernetes cluster configuration management and is well-suited to companies that require a more proactive approach to security. The automation of the tool significantly reduces the time it takes to perform cluster configurations and policy evaluations, ensuring that Kubernetes resources are continuously provisioned correctly and compliant with established policies.


Kubernetes provides a powerful platform for deploying and managing containerized applications, but it needs to be secured to protect sensitive data, prevent security breaches, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. Utilizing the right auditing tools is essential for maintaining the security and compliance of Kubernetes environments, detecting vulnerabilities, and verifying configurations. There are several Kubernetes auditing tools available, from native Kubernetes Audit to open-source tools like Kube-bench, kube-hunter, and Polaris. Each tool has its own unique features and capabilities, and finding the right one depends on your specific needs. By implementing and regularly using an auditing tool or combination of tools, organizations can minimize the risk of security breaches, mitigate vulnerabilities, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

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