Chef Vsphere Provisioning

Here we are creating the new machine in Vsphere which stored in the template and make that machine as a node by using the chef.
Before creating a recipe directly to provision vsphere we need to follow some pre requesting steps which are needed for this process,
Install knife-vsphere,
Add the vsphere in knife.rb,
knife[:vsphere_host] = "hostname"
knife[:vsphere_user] = "username"
knife[:vsphere_pass] = "your password"
knife[:vsphere_dc] = "your-datacenter"
knife[:vsphere_insecure] = true
Make my master itself node,
Create the cookbook with the name Vsphere,
Write the recipe to create the machine in Vsphere,
execute "remove machine in Vsphere" do
command "knife vsphere vm delete cent"
cwd "/home/zippyops/chef-repo/.chef"
ignore_failure true
execute "remove the node" do
command "knife node bulk delete cent -y"
cwd "/home/zippyops/chef-repo/.chef"
ignore_failure true
execute "remove the client" do
command "knife client bulk delete cent -y"
cwd "/home/zippyops/chef-repo/.chef"
ignore_failure true
execute "creating new machine and adding as a node" do
command "knife vsphere vm clone cent --template chef --datastore datastore1 -cips --ccpu 2 --cram 1 --bootstrap --ssh-user root --ssh-password zippyops"
cwd "/home/zippyops/chef-repo/.chef"
After creating the recipe, upload it to the server and make it to run list,
output Run chef-client in master, and while running it will delete if the machine with the name cent and the node and client, and it will create the new machine from the template and made the new machine as a node.
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