Difference between forks and serial in ansible

When we focus on ansible configuration file in general it placed under /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg.When we run the Ansible playbook, we usually process each task in all inventory before it moves to another task. This is the default behavior.


The maximum number of simultaneous connections Ansible made on each Task.

Use: When you need to manage how many nodes should get affected simultaneously

Let us see an example.

Suppose we have 4 nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD) in inventory, 2 tasks in playbook, forks =5 (by default)

First task process on all 4 nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD)simultaneously, then Second task process on all 4 nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD) simultaneously. If we assume processing time for each task is 5 seconds.

Time take for 1st task = 5s (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD)

Time take for 2nd task = 5s (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD)

Total time taken for playbook = 10s

That’s the way Ansible works by default (By default Ansible processes a maximum of 5 nodes simultaneously). It was written inside /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as forks =5. we are free to change forks value but remember increasing it may put a heavy load on Ansible Control Node so make sure not to overload Control Nodes resources.


Decides the number of nodes process in each task in a single run

Suppose we have 4 nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD) in inventory, 2 tasks in playbook, forks =5 and serial = 2.

First task process on 2 nodes (nodeA, nodeB) simultaneously (should process on 4 nodes, but due to serial configuration it processes on 2 nodes only) and then jump into the Second task. Second task process on 2 nodes (nodeA, nodeB) simultaneously. Once both tasks are completed, it again runs the playbook for the rest of the 2 nodes.

Next run of playbook process on 2 nodes (nodeC, nodeD) simultaneously, then Second task process on 2 nodes (nodeC, nodeD) simultaneously. After that playbook run gets completed.

If we assume processing time for each task is 5 seconds

First run, Time taken for 1st task = 5s (nodeA, nodeB)

First run, Time taken for 2nd task = 5s (nodeA, nodeB)

Second run, Time taken for 1st task = 5s (nodeC, nodeD)

Second run, Time taken for 2nd task = 5s (nodeC, nodeD)

Total time taken for playbook = 20s

Let's get another set of nodes to explain the serial scenario.

Suppose you have 3 nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC) in inventory, 2 tasks in playbook, forks =5 and serial = 2.

The first task process on 2 nodes (nodeA, nodeB) simultaneously and then jumps into the Second task. Second task process on 2 nodes (nodeA, nodeB) simultaneously. Once both tasks are completed, it again runs the playbook for the rest of the 2 nodes.

Next run of playbook process on 1 node (node), then Second task process on 1 node (nodeC). After that playbook run get completed

If we assume processing time for each task is 5 seconds;

First run, Time taken for 1st task = 5s (nodeA, nodeB)

First run, Time taken for 2nd task = 5s (nodeA, nodeB)

Second run, Time taken for 1st task = 5s (nodeC)

Second run, Time taken for 2nd task = 5s (nodeC)

Total time taken for playbook = 20s

since execution times for Story 2 and Story, 3 were the same. Think about 2 tasks, 10 nodes with forks =5 & 2 tasks 10 nodes with forks=5 and serial =4.

2 Tasks, 10 nodes with forks =5.

Single run,

1st task on first 5 nodes = 5s (node1, node2, node3, node4, node5)

1st task on second 5 nodes = 5s (node6, node7, node8, node9, node10)

2nd task on first 5 nodes = 5s (node1, node2, node3, node4, node5)

2nd task on second 5 nodes = 5s (node6, node7, node8, node9, node10)

Total time taken for playbook = 20s

2 Tasks, 10 nodes with forks=5 and serial =4

First run, 1st task = 5s (node1, node2, node3, node4)

First run, 2nd task = 5s (node1, node2, node3, node4)

Second run, 1st task = 5s (node5, node6, node7, node8)

Second run, 2nd task = 5s (node5, node6, node7, node8)

Third run, 1st task = 5s (node9, node10)

Third run, 2nd task = 5s (node9, node10)

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