Jfrog container registry

Running JFrog Container Registry as a Container on Docker

Running JFrog Container Registry as a container is simple and straightforward, and involves the following basic steps:

Step 1: Pulling the JFrog Container Registry Docker Image

The JFrog Container Registry Docker image may be pulled from Bintray by executing the corresponding Docker command below:

#docker pull docker.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-jcr:latest

Step 2: Running a JFrog Container Registry Container

we can list the Docker images downloaded using the docker images command

#docker images

To start a JFrog Container Registry container, use the corresponding command

#docker run --name artifactory -d -p 8081:8081 docker.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-jcr:latest

Step 3: Accessing JFrog Container Registry

Once the JFrog Container Registry container is up and running, you access JFrog Container Registry in the usual way by browsing to: 


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