Parallel job in pipeline

Normally a declarative Jenkins pipeline is pretty simple it can look something like this
pipeline {
agent {
label "linux&&x86_64"
stages {
stage("Building / Testing") {
stage("Testing") {
steps {
sh("make test")
stage("Building") {
steps {
sh("make clean && make")
By using the parallel block
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
parallel {
stage("x86_64 Building / Testing") {
agent { label "x86_64&&linux" }
stage("Testing") {
steps {
sh("make test")
stage("Building") {
steps {
sh("make clean && make")
stage("s390x Building / Testing") {
agent { label "s390x&&linux" }
stage("Testing") {
steps {
sh("make test")
stage("Building") {
steps {
sh("make clean && make")
stage("ppc64le Building / Testing") {
agent { label "ppc64le&&linux" }
stage("Testing") {
steps {
sh("make test")
stage("Building") {
steps {
sh("make clean && make")
Just exec out to script and generate them like in scripted pipelines
Another approach to this is to just exec out to script to run the stages, which would look somewhat like
def arches = ['x86_64', 's390x', 'ppc64le', 'armv8', 'armv7', 'i386']
archStages = arches.collectEntries {
"${it} Building / Testing": -> {
node("${it}&&linux") {
stage("Testing") {
checkout scm
sh("make test")
stage("Building") {
sh("make clean && make")
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage("Building / Testing") {
script {
The only issue with this approach is that it’s not fully declarative and basically defeats the purpose of using a declarative pipeline in the first place. It also has to define archStages so far before archStages. If we had multiple stages before this stage you’d be hard-pressed to figure out exactly where archStages actually comes from.
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