Rundeck run tasks

With Rundeck installed and your nodes added, it's time to take the next step with the management console-- running a command. We already have Rundeck up and running. Running commands is actually quite simple.

Running a command
Log into your Rundeck console and click on a project that has an associated node you want to work with. Once in the project screen, click on COMMANDS in the left navigation.
In the Commands window, you must first select a node on which to run the command. You can do this by typing the name of the node and hitting Search.

If you're not sure of the node name, click the Nodes dropdown and select Show all nodes. Once you see the name of the node you want to work with, type it in the Nodes text area and click Search. This will select the node in question. Next, type the command you want to send to the node in the Command text area. Once you have the command hit the Run on X Node button (where X is the number of nodes you've selected).

After running the command You will see the output of the command as it runs. When it finishes, you can then save that command as a job by clicking the Save as a Job button.

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