Modules in Playbook

Using modules in Playbooks.
Create a playbook hostname putting into the file, its more interesting in this
Let's create a playbook, add a line-infile.yml file,
[ansible@ansible1 ~]$ vi addline-infile.yml
- hosts: database
- name: create file if doesnot exist
state: touch
path: /home/ansible/hostname.conf
- name: if line not there the add it.
state: present
dest: /home/ansible/hostname.conf
line: Hostname={{ansible_hostname}}
I have used hosts as the database server, I have used module add the line in the file,
I have created two tasks,
• One is if the file is not found in that directory to create that
• Second in line to add HOSTNAME in that file
Let's run the playbook,
[ansible@ansible1 ~]$ ansible-playbook addline-infile.yml
The playbook runs exactly !!!
Go to the target server to check that file found or not,
The file has been created and the line has been added hostname correctly !!!!
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